The dwarf rabbit has a dirty butt: what to do

I’ve decided to use this friendly title to talk to you about a fairly common problem in rabbits with poor nutrition. By “dirty bottom” I mean that situation of dirtiness that occurs when feces remain attached to your rabbit’s bottom.

Step One: Cleaning

First of all, if your rabbit has a dirty bottom, it should be cleaned as soon as possible. Dirt could attract fleas and other insects and create a very uncomfortable situation and, in extreme cases, potentially deadly.


Insects could deposit their larvae here, which would quickly reproduce by feeding on the attached feces.


As we have said several times, however, rabbits do not like baths, so what should you do? The trick is simple. The affected area should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth. The water should be at room temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.


If the feces, however, were to become hard, the game becomes serious. In this case, you need to intervene with a good bath. Try following the tips on how to bathe your rabbit here.

Causes of the problem: incorrect power supply

Now that we have solved the practical problem, that is, we have washed the rabbit, we need to understand what caused the trouble. Usually, rabbits do not suffer from diarrhea. However, the feces you found are certainly a residue of undigested cecotropes. If you have had a rabbit for a while, you may have noticed that there are different types of feces. You may be used to seeing dry pellets, which you usually remove from the litter box. But you should know that there are also nutrient-rich feces that your rabbit eats immediately after elimination and are an integral part of its diet: cecotropes.
When this feeding cycle is disrupted, your rabbit does not eat cecotropes. The cause is usually a diet poor in fiber. Does your rabbit have unlimited access to fresh hay every day? This is, in fact, the basic food of its diet, as it is rich in fiber. Fibers keep your rabbit’s teeth well filed and its digestive system healthy.
You should not overfeed your rabbit with fruit, bread, or junk food that may make him happy at the moment but complicate the situation. For a correct diet and a complete list of what can be given to your rabbit, I recommend reading What does a dwarf rabbit eat.

Cause of the problem: little movement

Another cause of our problem is related to your rabbit’s mobility and health issues. Usually, this problem occurs in older, obese, or arthritic rabbits who have difficulty bending to reach their bottom and eat cecotropes. If the rabbit is older, unfortunately, there is not much that can be done except for constant care and patient cleaning.
If it is obese, there is always a remedy: the diet. Pellets and all “treats” in any quantity should be eliminated. The diet should consist of a constant supply of hay and not excessive amounts of vegetables.
Finally, if your rabbit suffers from arthritis, the veterinarian will certainly be able to prescribe an anti-inflammatory that can help them live better with this disease.

Cause of the problem: the teeth

Another cause of a dirty bottom can be problems with the molars. Pain and stress associated with this serious problem can lead to poor chewing and inadequate digestion. The only solution may be to take your rabbit to the vet and try to solve the problem at the root.

To conclude, if a change in diet with the elimination of “junk food” or vegetables and a return to fiber does not help solve the problem in a few days, it will be necessary to consult a veterinarian. The vet will certainly understand the cause and do everything possible to restore your friend’s health.