Why does my dwarf rabbit hate me?
It is well known that rabbits are cute and cuddly animals. But then, why does it seem like my rabbit hates me?!?
In this article, I analyze some of the most common negative behaviors to get an idea of how to remedy them.
My rabbit bites me. How to make it stop?
Sometimes rabbits nibble to get attention. If that’s the case, the solution is simple. I suggest raising your voice with a slight scream every time it happens. This is meant to make the rabbit understand that nibbling hurts you. After a couple of times, you’ll notice that they will stop or nibble more gently.
However, sometimes your rabbit may seriously bite you. Rabbits can sometimes become aggressive and very territorial. There are two solutions in this case. The first is sterilization, which often helps make your furry friend more docile. The second is to establish a relationship of mutual trust over time, so that they don’t feel attacked when you clean their cage or invade their space for necessary reasons.
My two rabbits are used to being together. But now something is wrong
The bond between rabbits can sometimes break. This happens especially in cases where they have lived together before reaching sexual maturity.
When this maturity is reached, territoriality and aggression can arise from one or both rabbits.
The only way to regain balance and prevent them from biting or mounting each other is to train them to live together. In any case, monitoring their behavior as much as possible is essential to prevent them from hurting each other. If cohabitation appears impossible, they will need to be separated.
To learn more about this topic, I invite you to read “A Companion for My Dwarf Rabbit.”
Finally, in some cases, it is discovered that what was thought to be two male or two female rabbits are actually a male and a female. In this case, sterilization is a decisive step.
My rabbit keeps peeing on the couch. What's going on?
There may be two reasons why your rabbit is peeing outside of their litter box: the first case may simply be due to bad litter box habits. My advice is to train them again to use the litter box by limiting their space.
To learn more, I suggest you read “How to Train Your Dwarf Rabbit to Use a Litter Box.”
If you instead believe that your rabbit has developed the good habit of using the litter box and this is just a sign of misbehavior, then we have a problem of dominance and territory. This means that your rabbit simply “wants to be in charge.” This is particularly the case if the pee is being done in areas of the house or on the sofa that can be directly attributed to you and your habits. In your space, in other words.
The only solution is to make them understand who is in charge by limiting their space and preventing them from getting on the sofa or bed or going to the areas where they usually pee.
To learn more about this topic, I invite you to read “Why Does My Rabbit Pee on the Sofa?”
My rabbit won't let you hold me. What should I do?
First of all, I recommend that you read the article “How to pick up a dwarf rabbit” to discover the safest technique.
In general, however, you should know that rabbits, being prey animals in nature, do not like to be lifted. They do not feel safe. That’s the whole problem.
If this is your first time or you are just deciding now whether or not to get a rabbit, this may not be so obvious. It would be natural, in fact, to think the opposite. It would be natural to imagine rabbits as animals to be held in your lap or in your arms. Unfortunately, it’s not like that, it’s not in their nature.
I advise you, if your rabbit shows strong fears of being picked up, not to continue doing so. It would be counterproductive for your relationship because he would associate your approach with a strong stress and tend to keep you away as much as possible by instinct.
The best thing to do, if you want to build a good relationship and make him fond of you, is to get down to his level. If you can, lie down on the floor and approach him. He will see you as an equal and will trust you. Perhaps thanks to this, and after establishing a healthy relationship, you can try to pick him up. He will trust you.
My rabbit eats his poop. How can I stop him?!?
Don’t worry, it’s natural! You should know that rabbits expel two different types of feces. The first type is a compact and dry ball that you often find in the litter box. The second type is called cecotrope. The cecotrope is much softer and resembles a cluster of grapes in shape.
Rabbits eat this second type of feces, the cecotrope, directly from their bottom and then re-digest it. This process is an integral part of their digestive system. Cecotropes provide important nutrients to the body and maintain the entire food cycle in balance.
In practice, rabbits need to feed on their own droppings, and above all, you should not teach them not to do it, as it would be a serious problem.
My rabbit destroyed an object I cared about very much. What do I do?
Rabbits have a natural tendency to chew and nibble. Knowing this, I strongly advise you not to keep valuable or sentimental items within their reach.
From shoes to books, and even carpets and remote controls, everything in their area will be available to them. Therefore, to avoid accidents of this kind, I suggest not leaving anything you care about lying around and reading the article on how to make your home “rabbit-proof.”
My rabbit is weird. Sits lazily
First of all, make sure your rabbit is well. If your rabbit is not eating, not peeing or pooping, or not drinking, it could be a symptom of something serious. Take your friend immediately to the vet to make sure he is not sick and to understand what is going on.
To find out which specialized veterinarian is closest to you, consult the list of specialized veterinarians by area.
If it seems healthy and is eating, drinking, and pooping regularly, then it might just be bored. To understand how to make it happy, read “How to Make Your Dwarf Rabbit Happy?” and “Games for Your Rabbit.” If, once you have provided toys, you see your rabbit hopping, running happily, or flopping, that’s great: your rabbit is happy and content!
If you think this is not enough, I invite you to reflect on the fact that rabbits are not dogs or cats. They are rabbits. They have their own way of expressing happiness, playing, and even dozing off. This way of keeping you company is unique and personal.
Also, like other living beings, each rabbit has its own personality, so don’t be surprised if your rabbit is less inclined to establish relationships with other animals or with humans, or is less sociable or cuddly. You have to learn to establish a friendship and trust and understand their point of view.