What could be easier than growing a weed? Cultivating this plant is actually a piece of cake. Considered since ancient times as a medicinal plant, we can actually find it in many of our crops and sometimes we are forced to eliminate it.
We can take advantage of the fact that it is so often found in nature to decide not to cultivate it, but under two conditions. The first is that it is actually present in your yard or garden. The second is that it has not grown near a plant that you have nurtured or grown with the use of chemical fertilizers.
If, on the other hand, you decide to cultivate it, I strongly recommend planting it in a pot. This will allow you to avoid having your garden infested. What you need to do in this case is even simpler. Just scatter a handful of seeds on the ground, cover them with very little soil, and lightly water. Dandelion seeds need light to grow.
In no time, you will have green leaves to cut and don’t worry because no matter how much you cut it, the dandelion will always grow back.